KZN Wilson Mobi-Claw Mini 3

KZN Wilson Mobi-Claw Mini 3

Posted on 25th Sep 2020, 12:00am

Good evening everyone,

Thank you to all the parents that abided by the rules of the tournament. It is very much appreciated.

The rules that are in place come from Government and TSA.

NO SPECTATORS at sporting events.

Some of my officials spent the day running up and down the hill asking parents to leave.

These same officials are supposed to be keeping your children safe. 

I need my officials to focus on the safety of the players on and off the court not on what parents are doing in the car park.

Please drop your children and leave the venue 

I will send an email on Sportyhq and put a post on Sportyhq at 6:45am tomorrow morning regarding the weather 

Many thanks


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